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Against the Odds 10 : Into a Bear Trap Chechnya 1995

Condition : Neuf Référence : ATO3-2
Against the Odds 10 : Into a Bear Trap
  • Against the Odds 10 : Into a Bear Trap

une revue complete et un jeu en boite sur l'invasion de la Tchétchénie par les russes en 1995

31,18 €
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en anglais, descriptif éditeur :

The capital of Chechnya, Grozny (meaning "terrible" in Russian), was in January 1995 the target of a Russian attack -- beginning a war that continues to this day. The Russian plan was to subdue the city with a massive show of force to intimidate its populace into submission. This approach had worked in 1991, and Moscow saw no reason why a repeat performance would not again suffice. Massive artillery and air support were not thought essential, as the long columns of tanks and their two battalions of mechanized infantry support were deemed sufficient to cower any who chose to witness.

Alerted to the Russians' plan of entry, two battalions of Chechen resistance fighters flitted among the sewers and rooftops to greet the Russian force. Well-armed with RPG's and mortars and backed by snipers, the defenders deployed small groups of hunter-killer teams to tackle any armor encountered. A battle for the city was set.

Players are cast in the roles of the commanders of each side's forces. Both players can brutally harm their opponent, while each has liabilities to protect. Opponents will be challenged to do as well, or better than, their historical counterparts.

The map scale is about 100-150 yards per hex. Each combat unit represents a platoon (25 to 30 men), one leader, 2 tanks or 6 armored personnel carriers. A game turn represents 2 hours of time.

Into a Bear Trap and issue #10 of ATO

Maps - One full color 22"x34" mapsheet
Counters - 280 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces
Rules length - 10 pages
Charts and tables - 2 pages
Complexity - Medium
Solitaire suitability - Average
Playing time - Up to 4 hours

Design - Perry Moore
Development - Paul Rohrbaugh
Graphic Design - Craig Grando