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Jutland Form 10s

Langue : EN
Condition : Neuf Référence : COA0910-116
Jutland Form 10s
  • Jutland Form 10s

une mise à jour pour le jeu Fear God & Dreadnought consacrée à la bataille du Jutland

18,60 €
hors-stock, réassort sous 10 jours

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Livraisons par Colissimo ou Mondial Relay


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Jutland Forms provides From 10s for every ship that fought at that momentous battle. Using the latest harmonized game data and organized by squadron and division, it also includes the Jutland scenario extracted from the High Seas Fleet data annex.

Jutland Forms includes a new rules supplement bringing Fear God & Dread Nought more in line withthe harmonized rules standard by replacing chapter eight (damage) and the gunfire modifiers table.

Designed for the loose-leaf format, players can simply replace the old pages with new ones, bringing their rules up to FG&DN 1.1 standard. Jutland Forms is not a complete upgrade, but a quick and easy way to imporve these two most important aspects of the game.

In addition, forms are provided in Adobe Acrobat pdf format on a CD so that players can print new, clean copies as often as needed.

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